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Merry Christmas!!
Enjoy this wonderful time with family and friends. Giving to others that are less fortunate and spreading the gift of Jesus to everyone you meet.
Slow down and enjoy the real meaning of Christmas. The hustle and bustle of the season can leave you empty and joyless. It is so important to be intentional about your time and the true meaning of the Christmas season.
- Make Christmas Cards
2. Write a loving note to your parents and mail it to them.
3. Make Christmas ornaments using your favorite Bible verses.
4. Make Christmas Cookies to give to your neighbors.
5. Go to a Christmas Church Service.
8. Make a list of all your blessings for the year.
9. Tell someone about Jesus.
11. Make dinner for a friend.
10.Go caroling with friends and family.
12. Create a family advent calendar.
13. Wrap presents and listen to your favorite gospel music.
14. Have a Hot Cocoa Bar Night.
15. Watch a Christmas Movie about Jesus.
16. Make thankful snowflakes to decorate your home.
17. Do a family sleep out under your Christmas tree.
18. Bake cookies and deliver to local shelter.
19. Have a marshmallow fight.
20. Take cupcakes to your local fire department.
21. Do a Christmas lights tour.
22. Have a ugly sweater party.
23. Make and decorate a gingerbread house.
24. Teach and discus the true story of Christmas.
25. Make and decorate your own Christmas stockings.
26. Make homemade gifts for friends and family.
27. Leave a happy note for someone to find.
27. Bring lunch for a coworker or friend.
28. Donate toys to a charity or family in need.
29. Put money in a Salvation Army bucket.
30. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
31. Volunteer at a local food pantry or shelter.
There are so many ways to add more love and Christ into Christmas. Make it a family effort and share the only and most important reason for Christmas…Jesus! Let’s spread the good news of God and make memories with our family.God Bless!
Love you blog xxxx
Thank you so much!