Hello My Friend!
We are on a beautiful journey of peaks and valley as parents of special needs children. You are right where God wants you to be. Gods grace is on all special needs parents. No looking back stay forward and focused on God. God’s grace has equipped us with everything we need for our journey. He is with us all the away. I promise there will be more laughter than crying and more joy than sadness. Your journey will be based on what you believe to be true and who you believe you are. Words can mean nothing at all or have the power to move mountains. It’s all about choices. God only gives his special treasures to those that are worthy and built like diamonds.
Like a diamond we are indestructible, we have many facets and we’re carefully chosen with a high value. Because of God’s grace on special needs parents, we can withstand practically anything. Because of our value we are never alone, always guarded and protected. Your child and you will live a successful life.
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Be fully alive that you may pour life into your child and your family.
1. Remember your a Diamond. Strong, Beautiful and Chosen.
2. SMILE, SMILE, SMILE- You are Beautiful and Loved. Your a great mom doing great things.
3. Enjoy your day. Make a choice to be happy. There is light in the tunnel just look up.
4. Laugh and breathe. It’s better than medicine.
God’s Grace on Special Needs Parents
5. Remember your not on this journey by yourself. Your walk will be a blessing to many.
6. Your right where God wants you to be. Your child was not a surprise to God.
7. This journey is going to bless you and you will bless others in their journey.
8. Allow your challenges to strengthen you and build your relationship with God.
7. You can do this. Your much stronger than you think you are.
8. Calm down and have patience. Remember who you are.
9. Stop explaining your life and situation to everyone. You only have to answer to God.
10. Stop explaining your child to everyone. As moms sometimes we find ourselves feeling like we have to explain our child’s behavior .
11. Don’t put extra pressure on yourself to make other people feel comfortable about our child. That is not our responsibility.
13. You were created for this very moment. God has equipped you with everything you need to be successful for your journey.
14. Don’t be paralyzed by fear and disappoint. Get up, keep living and do what you know to do.
15. Concentrate on today not tomorrow or next week.
16. It’s ok to cry. Just don’t stay there.
17. You can do this! You can do this!
18. Don’t try to figure it all out today.
19. Keep Active!
20. Your child is not a mistake. Stop trying to fix something that is not broke.
21. Take care of yourself. You can’t give what you don’t have. A healthy diet and workout regime will be your best friend.
22. Don’t panic, it is going to be OK!
God’s Grace on Special Needs Parents
23. You are your child’s best advocate. You know what your talking about. Research and make yourself knowledgeable of your child diagnoses.
24. It’s ok that your house is not as clean as you would like it, or even dirty.
25. You don’t have all the answers and that’s ok. No one does but God.
26. Get involved with a special needs community, speak to other mom with special needs children.
27. It’s ok that your day didn’t go as planned.
28. You don’t have all the answers and that’s ok. No one knows everything but God.
29. Stay positive.
30. Set your self free. You can’t love when you feel the world owes you something. You didn’t get dealt a bad hand, you got the hand that was meant for you.
31. God doesn’t make mistakes.
32. Pray daily and take time for God to talk to you. It’s a two way relationship.
33. Take everything to God in prayer. There is no situation that’s to big or small for God
34. Everyday will not go as planned and that’s ok.
Ladies I pray these words will lift your spirits and strengthen your heart. Everything meaningful to us comes from our heart. Its very important that you get into a habit of speaking Gods words of encouragement and truth over your life daily. As a mom with a beautiful 27 year old woman with special needs/intellectual disabilities and 22q chromosome deletion I know from experience what we believe we are is vital to our journey. For my own success journey with my daughter please check out Success Beyond Her Disabilities. Please share and come back to visit. God is with you.
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